Bring Vertical Farming To Food Distribution
Insource reliable, pesticide-free produce 365 days a year
Reduce OpEx from distribution and food waste
Customize produce offerings for customers
Increase profit margin with private label
Customers Demand Local
Integrate AmplifiedAg farms onsite, at your distribution center to reduce food miles and increase shelf life and quality.
New CEA Produce
AmplifiedAg’s collaboration with the USDA enables our partners to be the first to implement new tech and trends in indoor-grown produce
Make an Impact
Elevate your sustainability profile and community support by creating new agtech jobs.
Trusted Expertise and Experience
We know what it takes to operate an enterprise vertical farm at distribution centers, because we’re doing it ourselves. The farm platform we provide our partners today, is one that was designed from our operating experience.
How Can We Modernize Your Business?
Looking to diversify your products? Frustrated with inconsistent supplies and distribution timelines? We hear you—that's why we've created our modular, fast-expanding farm platform.